當我發現這個舊招牌時,再用望遠鏡看到”吳灞陵書”,那興奮真是非筆默所能形容。吳灞陵 (190x-1976), 香港旅遊及掌故作家,曾任華僑日報港聞主任。香港盛行行山遠足,吳氏之推動不少。著作有”爬山講話”、”港九新界旅行手冊”等。
This signboard belongs to a fortune teller, named “Li Si Lam”, who is probably no longer alive. The calligrapher (Mr. Ng Ba Ling, 190x-1976) is a popular author and journalist from the 20th century. I wish the government can invest a little bit of money to keep these old signs from weathering.